The biggest mould I made thus far: The back wheel of the BJD wheelchair.
I wanted to prevent having to use insane amounts of silicone (because that stuff is EXPENSIVE), so I had to do quite a bit of prepping to follow the form of the original as much as I could, while still having the mould be sturdy and thick enough all around.
All “walls” are kept in place and sealed shut with eye putty/ poster buddy.
I almost always cast silicone moulds in layers, to make sure there are no trapped bubbles in unfortunate places.
Before the last layer was poured on, I filled up some empty space with heavy construction cardboard & bits of old mould to get encapsulated into the mould. Another nice trick to save silicone.
#BJDwheelchair #Moldmaking #Mouldmaking #Silicone #BallJointedDoll #Tips&Tricks #Tutorial #PuppitProductions
Bjd Wheelchair BJD Wheelchair Wheels Puppit Productions Tips & Tricks Tutorial How-To Sorta Wip